September 2012 Archives

New support for GPX heartrate

In previous versions the Garmin GPX file import plugin included support for reading heartrate information, but only from Garmin Training Center TCX files. The Garmin plugin will now read heartrate from Nike device files exported as GPX files. There is to-date unfortunately no standard for presenting this information; this release of the plugin looks for <gpxtpx:hr> tags in the GPX file. This change may support additional device exports. Unfortunately the lack of standardization makes it impossible to say.

The updated plugin is not currently included with any release (it will be with the next update) but is available as a separate download. If you're interested, download Save this file to the \plugins\fileimport folder below the folder where dplot.exe is installed. (The default location is c:\Program Files\DPlot or c:\Program Files (x86)\DPlot on 64-bit systems.)

Of course if you have a GPX file containing heartrate information that is not supported by DPlot, please let us know.

As an aside this came to me from an old (emphasis on old) friend whose file showed a maximum heartrate of 208! I threatened to rat him out to his wife, before he informed me that it was recorded by his 13-yr old daughter. Well, OK then.

64-bit Interface Library

For software developers:

We now have a 64-bit version of DPLOTLIB.DLL available. This means you'll now be able to call DPLOTLIB functions from your 64-bit application. Example source code in C, C#, and VB.NET are included (all built with Visual Studio 2010).

The DLL and examples are included with the latest (23 Sep 2012) DPlot Jr and are optional components with the installation of both the trial and full-licensed versions of DPlot.

If you are not aware of this capability and might have an interest, take a look at the Software Developers page.

Your comments and suggestions are of course welcome at

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