Extents/Intervals/Size changes data range

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Extents/Intervals/Size changes data range

Post by MikeSr »

I have data from an Excel Spread Sheet from 10/01/2010 to and including 10/31/2010 . Dplot illustrates the data correctly.
I want it to show intevals as all 31 days instead of the 5 day interval as it defaults.
I change the "Tick Intervals" to "Specify Number" No of tick intervals on the X axis = 31
The plot now shows 10/01/2010 to 11/10/2010. The Extents/Inveral/Size dialog show the same data range.
What am I doing Wrong.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

You aren't doing anything wrong, it just doesn't work exactly as you'd expect. Instead of "Specify Number" use "Specify Interval" with the X interval set to 1 day.
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