Allows you to undo the last 100 operations. If you find that performance suffers when working with large data sets and you can live without this feature, disable it under Options>General. Note: Individual macro commands cannot be undone. To preserve the state of a plot before running a macro, the macro should use the SaveUndo command.
![]() | Click ![]() |
Reverses the operation of the last Undo.
![]() | Click ![]() |
Copies a metafile and a bitmap image to the Clipboard.
Copy Data Values (XY plots only)
Copies the data points of a single curve to the Clipboard.
Allows you to change the size of bitmaps and/or metafile pictures that are copied to the Clipboard by the Copy Picture command.
Creates a new curve using data from the Clipboard.
Opens a dialog box from which you can choose to establish a link with the source of the data, specify the data type (1D groups, X & Y values, X,Y,Z values for a 3D surface or scatter plot, or X,Y,Z,amplitude values for a 4D surface or scatter plot). You can also use this command to tell DPlot that the clipboard text contains a column of point labels.
Creates a new curve from data in another application, and links the curve to the source of the data.
NOTE: All Edit menu commands below are disabled if the currently active document contains linked data (added with Insert Link).
Move/Copy Curves (XY plots) or Move/Copy Groups (1D plots)
Allows you to easily move or copy one or more curves/groups from the currently active document to another open document or a new document.
Related macro commands |
Edit data values for a new or existing curve.
Delete all data points that lie outside a rectangle you define with the mouse. XY plots and 3D/4D surface plots only. This command is disabled for 3D views of surface plots.
XY plots only
Combine curves
Allows you to append the data values from one curve to another curve. The curve with the source data will be deleted. You may optionally sort the resulting curve in ascending X order.
Related macro commands |
Allows you to manipulate the X coordinates using an equation.
Related macro commands |
Allows you to manipulate the Y coordinates using an equation.
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Provides three different methods for reducing data.
Delete Points in Box
Use your mouse cursor to define a box inside which all data points will be deleted.
Generates a new curve with a constant spacing on the X axis.
Erase Curve
Wipes out all data associated with one or more curves.
Click on the toolbar.
Related macro commands |
Eliminates noise or otherwise alters a time history record.
Removes individual data points that depart from the trend of a curve by a user-specified criteria.
Removes any trend from the amplitude by subtracting a straight line through the first and last points (i.e. make the first and last amplitudes equal to zero).
Related macro commands |
Replace Data
Replace the data for one curve with the data from another curve, and then delete the source curve. This command is particularly useful when updating an existing saved plot with new data.
Related macro commands |
Adjusts the amplitudes of selected curves so that they range from 0-1 or 0-100: Y=scale*(Y-Ymin)/(Ymax-Ymin)
Related macro commands |
Smooths a data record using a low-pass filter.
Sorts the data for a selected curve in ascending abscissa (X) order, then in ascending Y order for equal X values. Many DPlot operations are optimized for monotonically increasing values of X, while others may require sorted X values.
Related macro commands |
Switches the X and Y values for one or more curves. If the new curve has progressively smaller X values, then the order is automatically reversed so that X increases.
Related macro commands |
Truncate X
Eliminates all data with independent variable outside a user-specified range. If no data remains, the curve and all associated data are erased.
Related macro commands |
Eliminates all data points with amplitudes outside a user-specified range. If no data remains, the curve and all associated data are erased. If instead of deleting points you want to simply ignore points outside a range, see the Amplitude Limits command on the Options menu.
Related macro commands |
This command translates X values that are dates in the form YYYYMMDDHHMM (for example January 19, 2003 5:25 PM would be 200301191725) to the Excel 1900 date system. This command also automatically turns on Date and Time number format for the X axis and adjusts the time format setting dependent on the granularity of the input values.
Data Processing mode only
Performs the same function as Add a constant to Y, but calculates the desired shift and automatically regenerates integrated data in "data processing" mode.
Displays a list of all baseline shifts done on a record in "data processing" mode.
Undo Shift
Reverses the previous Baseline Shift performed in "data processing" mode.
3D plots only
Allows you to manipulate the Z coordinates using an equation.
Related macro commands |
Switches the X and Y values for all data points. This option might be useful if, for example, your 3D input files are ordered latitude, longitude, elevation (rather than longitude, latitude, elevation).
Number Triangles
Numbers triangles on a 2D contour plot of randomly-spaced 3D points. This option is useful when deleting individual triangles using the right-click context menu.
Delete Triangles
Allows you to delete one or more triangles from a 2D contour plot of randomly-spaced 3D points. You might find this option useful in either creating holes in the surface of the plot or in overriding DPlot's creation of a convex mesh. For more information see the How To topic "How do I force DPlot to create a triangular mesh of my 3D points that is not convex?", and for an alternative solution see the Define Boundary command on the Options menu.
Delete Thin Triangles
Removes triangles with interior angles less than 5 degrees if the associated triangle vertex is on a free edge. Thin triangles often do a poor job of mapping a surface. Triangle removal is recursive: if triangle B has an interior angle less than 5 degrees which borders triangle A, and triangle A is removed, then triangle B will also be removed.
Related macro commands |
See also
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