Graph Software for Scientists and Engineers
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Logarithmic Scale
Probability Scale
Grain Size Distribution Plot
Tripartite Plot
Polar Chart
Triangle Plot (Ternary Plot)
N1.85 Hydraulic Scale
Bar Chart
Mercator Projection
Geographic Maps
Baseline Shift
Creating blank graph paper
Graphing Inequalities
Graphing Systems of Inequalities
Playback synched high-speed recordings
Math functions
ABS - Absolute value
ACOS - Inverse cosine
ACOSH - Inverse hyperbolic cosine
ASIN - Inverse sine
ASINH - Inverse hyperbolic sine
ATAN - Inverse tangent
ATAN2 - Inverse tangent
ATANH - Inverse hyperbolic tangent
BESSELJ - Bessel function of the first kind
BESSELY - Bessel function of the second kind
CDF - Cumulative distribution function
CEIL - Rounds a number up
COS - Cosine
COSH - Hyperbolic cosine
DATE - Excel 1900 date system serial number
DAY - Day of the month from a date
ERF - Error function
ERFC - Complementary error function
EXP - Exponent (inverse of log)
FACT - Factorial
FLOOR - Rounds a number down
FPOWER - Raises a number to a fractional power
GCD - Greatest common divisor
LCM - Least common multiple
LOG - Natural (base-e) logarithm
LOG10 - Base-10 logarithm
MAX - Maximum of two values
MIN - Minimum of two values
MOD - Remainder after division
MONTH - Month from a date
MROUND - Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple
NORMDIST - Normal distribution
NORMDISTCDF - Cumulative distribution function (integral of NORMDIST)
NORMRAND - Normally-distributed random number
PMT - Calculates loan payments
RANDBETWEEN - Random number between specified limits
RND - Random whole number
ROUND - Rounds a number to a specified number of digits
SIGN - Sign of a number
SIN - Sine
SINH - Hyperbolic sine
SQRT - Positive square root
SUM - Cumulative summation of a series
TAN - Tangent
TANH - Hyperbolic tangent
WEEKDAY - Day of the week from a date
WEEKNUM - Number of weeks since start of year
YEAR - Year from a date
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DPlot Jr
DPlot Viewer
Frequently Asked Questions
How many data points can I plot?
How do I import my CSV data into DPlot?
How do I import my data files that use a non-supported format into DPlot?
There is no DPlot menu in Excel. How do I make the Excel Add-In work?
How do I make a graph of a circle?
How do I graph an inequality?
Can I use DPlot to create blank graph paper?
Graph paper example (PDF)
How do I change the direction of coordinate axes?
How do I create a scatter plot?
How do I save a plot to an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file?
How do I save a plot to a PDF (Portable Document Format) file?
How do I call DPlot from my Visual Basic program?
How do I import a plot into PowerPoint?
How do I batch print a large number of files?
How do I create a series of plots with the same settings (scaling, labels, colors, etc.)?
How do I force DPlot to create a triangular mesh of my 3D points that is not convex?
Define Boundary Command
Defining Interior Holes
How do I create a waterfall plot?
Where can I get free stock market data suitable for plotting in DPlot?
Help! DPlot's Help doesn't work!
As a program developer, can I distribute DPlot with my application?
Why don't you answer my e-mail?
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Programming - C/C++
Programming - FORTRAN
Programming - Basic
Programming - Excel
Revision History
Revision History Archives
DPLOTLIB Interface Routines for DPlot
Getting Started
Example Programs
Data Types
DPLOT Structure
Calling Convention
DPLOTLIB Functions
DPlot_3DBorder function
DPlot_AddData function
DPlot_AlwaysActivate function
DPlot_Command function
DPlot_GetBitmap function
DPlot_GetBitmapEx function
DPlot_GetEnhMetaFile function
DPlot_GetVersion function
DPlot_Plot function
DPlot_PlotBitmap function
DPlot_PlotToRect function
DPlot_Request function
DPlot_SetErrorMethod function
DPlot_Start function
DPlot_Stop function
DPLOTLIB Revision History
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Windows 7, 2008,
Vista, XP, NT,
ME, 2003, 2000,
Windows 98, 95
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